Restoration of the façade of the Apse

The Basilica of S. Peter in Vatican City is by far the most famous and representative religious building for the Catholic Belief. The necessity for the restoration of external surfaces of the apse derived from the presence of diffused signs of dust, stains and rain trails. The facades of the apse, as all other external surfaces of the Basilica, are covered in travertine, a typical marble in Rome. This material has an high porosity and is exposed to the infiltration of meteoric water (and to all of the decay this phenomenon can cause). The persistent flow of water, even if light and superficial, can cause cracks, fractures, and unsuitable stains. Eng. Nicola Berlucchi has operated as a consultant for the contractor of the restoration (Impresa Violi s.r.l.), coordinating the geometrical survey (realized with laserscanner technology), the chemical and physical tests, and detailing the specifications for the most complicated interventions (receipts for mortars, plasters for integrations and special materials).

2010 - 2015
consultancy and e scientific direction on behalf of the Violi company