Restoration and conservation project

Studio Berlucchi, after drafting a preliminary project on the functional completion of the Feltre city theater exodus, is now in charge of drafting the final. The project consists of an intervention based on the general principle of operating on existing structures and premises without altering nature, so the interventions will be targeted and adapted to the building which, although with a certain historical importance, has simple architectural features and measured in the context where it is located. Therefore, typological changes are not proposed, but localized interventions that can improve the existing elements according to a sustainability principle of adaptation and restoration works, and the incorporation of new building materials that can guarantee the total usability of the theater, while ensuring the harmony with the existing architectural-landscaping context which also includes some archeological emergencies.

progettazione architettonica (preliminare, definitivo, esecutivo) in ATP con Ing. Martini, direzione lavori, prevenzione incendi
Comune di Feltre
€ 1.625.000