Implementation plan of the historic village and conservation restoration works and functional adaptation of two buildings

Studio is dealing with the work direction for the implementation plan on the residential complex of Drugolo, a village of ancient training developed near the homonymous castle in the territory of Lonato del Garda. Due to the presence of stables and other buildings of low architectural value, the plan provides for the restoration of value-added assets and, on the other, the demolition of the above-mentioned buildings and the subsequent construction of the equivalent volumes in the agricultural area identified as processing . The planned interventions are guided by the principles of respect and preservation of the historical-environmental-architectural identity of the Borgo, which is why the connotation of the properties will not be modified and will try to maintain the appearance of existing structures. Currently, the work is being carried out on two buildings, with appropriate reinforcements and conservation of the surviving historical structural elements and with the distribution of spaces, also by eliminating components added over time but which are outside the original building structure.

Work in progress
progettazione architettonica (preliminare, definitivo, esecutivo), direzione lavori, prevenzione incendi, piano coordinamento sicurezza
€ 2.200.000