Conservative restoration of the facade on the Canal Grande

Ca' Rezzonico on the Canal Grande is a testimony to the Venetian architecture of the late' 600 - early '700. The restoration project of the main façade had a conservative approach with the use of modern not-aggressive techniques respecting the original surfaces. Because of a variety of architectural elements, articulated geometries and different situations of deterioration, the intervention had been very complex and involved all the stone surfaces, the cornices, the columns, the balustrades, in addition to the iron parts, the porch and the waterspouts. The first steps of the yard concerned the cleaning up of deposits and the consolidation of items subject to posting, keeping safe historical signs on the surface. Subsequently, unsuitable plasterings have been eliminated, metal components have been treated and cracks have stuffed to prevent further water infiltration, preserving stone elements. The intervention slowed down the degradation phenomena, ensuring better resistance to atmospheric and polluting agents.

direzione lavori
€ 384.865