Restoration and reconstruction of the decorative display

The specific intervention consisted in two different parts: the conservation project of the “Sale Apollinee” (only damaged by the fire) and the complete reconstruction of missing decorations of the main hall. The designing approach of the conservative interventions was based on the guidelines of the Italian Ministery, meanwhile, the reconstruction project was combined with a careful historic and technical research regarding all the materials once used in the theater. The “Sale Apollinee” were heavily damaged by the fire. A conservative intervention was requested for all preserved portions, and a philological reconstruction was necessary in the remaining areas. The design was driven by the respect of the preserved portions with the maximum historic sensibility possible. The reconstruction of decorations in the main hall consisted in the realization of a huge quantity of stucco elements, carved wood inserts, papier-mache items, marmorino and fabric-covered walls. It was necessary to find a huge quantity of historic photographic and iconographic documentation to justify every decision. The methodological approach has privileged the realization of real scale graphical reconstructions to simplify the craftsmen’s work. In fact, the task requested a side by side cooperation with the craftsmanship to realize real scale models necessary for the reconstruction of the elements.

1999 - 2002
definitive, executive (project winner of the competition for job assignment) architectural design, consultancy
Comune di Venezia e Arch. Daniele Nava
€ 13.428.000