South wing restoration

The job consists in direction of work on the south wing of Palazzo Martinengo Salvadego della Fabbrica, an eighteenth-century portion associated with the original sixteenth-century nucleus, well known as the most important private residence in the city. The renovation is in two directions. On the one hand the preservation of the portion of a monumental building characterized by important and valuable frescoes, on which are carried out only conservative restoration works of masonry and pictorial surfaces, in order to stop the natural processes of degradation in progress. On the other hand, the functional reconstruction of the areas reconstructed in the 1950s has been under way as a result of the damage caused by the bombings of 1945, with remediation operations that fully respect the architectural, formal and structural typology of the body itself .

2014 - 2018
studio di fattibilità, progettazione architettonica (preliminare, esecutiva), direzione lavori, piano coordinamento sicurezza