Visit of the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities at the Teatro Donizetti in Bergamo

On 11 February the visit to Bergamo of the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities Alberto Bonisoli took place.

The stages of the visit include the construction of the Teatro Donizetti, where our studio is currently involved in the Works Management of the restoration and regulatory adaptation intervention.

"At Donizetti I wanted to check if the building site was proceeding in the best way - Bonisoli's words - and I have to say that this is the case. This is an important intervention, which will confer new luster on the outside and inside will become a modern theater for the city. [...] "(extracted from Bergamo News - Paloschi, Defendini)


Press review online:

Bergamo News - Fotogallery

Eco di Bergamo - 9 Febbraio

Eco di Bergamo - 12 Febbraio